weekly journal #2

15 Jan

The first week of my J-term class was a success. I learned a lot and honestly was not sure how much there was to learn. But, do not fret, week number two of PBandJterm did not fail to disappoint. Just like the first week, I  learned so much about personal brand. The two parts of the week that I took the most away from was when Nick Gilham came to speak and when the class gave presentations.

Nick Gilham is a social media expert who founded A Branded You. It is his job to assist companies in getting their name out there through social media and to get connected with others. Mr Gilham came to speak last week to inform us on how to take full advantage of Linked In. At the beginning of the week we were required to set up a Linked In page, and Mr Gilham showed us how to take it to another level. For those who are unfamiliar with this website, it is basically an online resume. You can post information about your education, experience, skills, and objective. You can also connect and network with people you know. This can help you in the career world because employers can search Linked In for people who are experienced for the available position. You can connect with me through Linked In by going to My Profile.

check out the prezi I created about "my niche"

My absolute favorite part of the week was the class presentations given on Thursday. Our assignment was this: discover your niche and create a blog about it. Who doesn’t love an opportunity to talk and write about something you are truly passionate about? It was great to discover the things that interest the people who I have been spending the past couple weeks with. The blogs that I am most excited about are Hannah Victor’s fashion blog, Ashley Bynum’s blog on encouragement and staying positive, and Matt Swaringim’s blog on leadership & relationships. The niche that I chose was relationships, hence the two posts I have written before this one. I am really looking forward to writing on this topic. I really enjoyed getting so much feedback from my posts Little Four Letter Word and Relationship Junkie, and it has encouraged me to continue in what I’m doing.

It’s hard to believe that two weeks have passed and the final week of J-term is now approaching. I have met some incredible people and I believe I have really grown in my knowledge of social media and my personal brand. If I had not taken this class and was not given the challenge of writing on something that I am passionate about, I may have never stepped out and began writing on relationships, which is something that I definitely plan on keeping up with. To wrap up, I am very glad that I chose to enroll in this class. It has taught me a lot and helped me to branch out a little more. I’m excited for the last week and what it holds.

4 Responses to “weekly journal #2”

  1. kelseybiggs January 15, 2012 at 10:21 pm #

    Very excited to keep up with your posts. I enjoyed learning about everyone else as well but I am a sucker for reading about relationship advice and stories. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! : )

  2. addisontodd January 16, 2012 at 12:17 am #

    Heather, like I said in class, I would LOVE to see you further develop this idea. There’s a genuine need for this type of spiritual pouring into the youth of the day. I encourage you to seek out the finer points of what you have to offer and pursue it.

    Looking forward to it!

  3. brettmcmillan January 18, 2012 at 9:31 pm #

    Nick was awesome. He was really knowledgeable! He is really good at what he does.


  1. weekly journal three. « it'sheatherchristine - January 19, 2012

    […] thought, I’m aware. I’ve already gone on and on about how much I enjoyed week one and week two. Now it’s time to talk about what was so great about week […]

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